Archive for the ‘Mars’ Tag

Lance Armstrong

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

Maybe we should all just go back to an embryonic state where we are equal. That would be fair, and boring, and we would die listless and unchanged together. Life would be absolutely meaningless, but totally equal. Our kind would cease to exist, greater powers would absorb us, but, no one would ever suffer a moment of insecurity, or a thrilling triumph. Yea.

Myriad methods exist for fitting in, as well as standing out. What is of greater concern: those trying to boost the oxygen level of the blood for a race, or, those using psychotropics in a massive effort to make sense of life itself? I guess its easier to prove the oxygen thing…

Maybe a sleeping Olympics? Why become contestants if we are equal? What type of industry might this contest create?

What other “peak performance” objectives are relevant to the way we define ourselves? ie, “Worlds best Mom”, or, why is a child’s intelligence so important to some parents?

The only thing “Anti-Doping” (can you believe its a committee?) represents is jealousy, fear, and power. True addicts are self-destroying first, winning is contrary to their goal, and, influencing others to: persevere, focus, train, breakthrough, follow through, remain committed, take the heat, and a billion other worthy human pursuits, is more foreign, and farther away, than that Rover on Mars.