Archive for the ‘Psychopath Test’ Tag

Colorado Times

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012

Inspired by a Jon Ronson TED talk

I liked it; would be better coming from a doctor (like that’s gonna happen!: “um, yes, my profession is actually entirely unprofessional”), but, I think psychology is smarter than we are, pretending we have it mastered can be dangerous. Charles Dickens dangerous. But! what do we do with those we don’t understand whom also promote violence? Oppression only compounds (disease+disease=more disease) the problem. I think learning to de-escalate ourselves and others in emotionally charged circumstance is a good thing, keep a level head. Life or death? Be prepared to win.

ps. Please add salt: I have read some very admirable, exciting, psych-related material;  Not everyone is interested in being defensive, that’s ok.